Distributed Solution of the Blendshape Rig Inversion Problem
International Convention Centre (ICC)
Conference talk   Sydney, Australia
Presenting our ADMM-based approach in one of the most prestigious conferences in graphics, SIGGRAPH Asia.
International Convention Centre (ICC)
Conference talk   Sydney, Australia
Presenting our ADMM-based approach in one of the most prestigious conferences in graphics, SIGGRAPH Asia.
Conference talk   Lisbon, Portugal
Highlights of my PhD work for Postdocs, PhD and Master students in Mathematics of Lisbon Universities.
Conference talk   Helsinki, Finland
I presented my latest work at the Euro Conference 2022, at Aalto University. It was also the final event of BIGMATH!
Conference talk  
I had a chance to present our paper “Clustering of the Blendshape Facial Model” at the EUSIPCO. This was so exciting for me as this was my first publication, and it was such a great conference!
Conference talk   Athens, Greece
I presented my research results at Εuro 2021, the largest conference for Operational Research and Management Science in Europe. It was great to attend a conference in person again!
Short presentation  
Check this short presentation of our research, submitted for the 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) contest at the EUSIPCO 2021 conference.
Conference Talk   Wuppertal, Germany (virtual)
In April 2021, I presented our research about Face Segmentation in the Mini Symposia Mathematics for Big Data, at the 21st ECMI Conference. We got some great feedback and support!
General public   Italy (virtual)
Dissemination event for the general public with the University of Milan, as part of the European Researchers Night. With Filipa Valdeira (Uni. of Milan) and Rongjiao Ji (Uni. of Milan), we prepared didatic activities, presented by Alessandra Micheletti (Uni. of Milan).
Conference talk   Valencia, Spain
As part of a Minisymposium organized by BIGMATH, I presented the initial segment of my research, with Filipa Valdeira (University of Milan) and Rongjiao Ji (University of Milan).